Welcome to the Schoolhouse

We look forward to welcoming you to the Schoolhouse. 在这里,您将找到有关皇冠体育app父母的有用信息, 从交通到制服再到家长协会. 所有的家长和监护人都被认为是PA的成员, 我们鼓励每个人都参与到皇冠体育app中来.

Parents Association

Welcome to the Parents Association

Welcome to the home of the Parents Association. 皇冠体育app学校的每位家长都是家长协会的成员, and we hope that you will find ways to get involved. 以下是关于个人助理和我们在皇冠体育app社区中的角色的信息.


皇冠体育app-班福德学校家长协会的使命是践行我们学校的真理价值观, friendship, 和忠诚,通过促进学校社区的联系, inclusive, and engaged. 通过志愿者机会和全校范围的活动, 我们力求让皇冠体育app的经历对家长和学生来说都很好.

Who We Are

家长协会领导监督整个家长协会,并与班级代表一起工作, new family engagement representatives, 以及活动和委员会主席来执行PA的任务.

2023–2024 PA Leadership

PA President
Maleha Haroon P’22 P’24 P’28

PA Vice President
Kathryn Bhirud P’33

PA Secretary/Treasurer
Tammi Brodsky P’25

PA Vice President for Community and Belonging
Naomi White Randolph '93 P’27

PA Upper School Division Representative
Sofia Perea P’24 P’26

PA Middle School Division Representative
Stefanie Spina P’29 P’30

PA Lower School Division Representative
Gabrielle Breslow P’32

Class Representatives

班级代表致力于与家长保持联系,了解学校的活动和政策. 他们担任班级和皇冠体育app管理部门之间的联络人,任期两年. PA领导团队与班级代表密切合作,确保通知和重要信息及时传达给每个班级的家长. 当你有问题或担忧时,课堂代表应该是你的第一站, 因为他们熟悉学校的政策和程序,可以解决出现的许多问题. Each class has three reps, with the exception of Kindergarten, Class IX, and Class XII (which have four class reps). You should expect to hear from them fairly regularly, 因为他们会发送电子邮件提醒即将到来的活动,并协调各种班级交流.

Event & Committee Chairs

Event & 委员会主席负责整体规划, coordination, and execution of events and committees, 并与PA领导合作,在学年期间组织许多活动,联系和娱乐我们的社区.

支持活动主席的是数百名家长志愿者,他们的才华, 创造力和慷慨对于每一个皇冠app安卓下载安装活动的成功都是无价的. We encourage and welcome every parent to participate. 在整个学年中,有许多志愿者机会让家长参与进来.

2023–2024 Events and Committees
New Families Engagement Committee
Uniform Closet
General Store
Professional Community Appreciation
Nightingale Cares
Parents in Action
Cultural Night
Parent Party
Lower School Bingo Night
Middle School Ping Pong Night
Middle School Alliance
Nighthawk Athletics
Parents of Daughters of Color (PODOC)


如果您对家长协会有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 pa@bosthr.com.

Transportation Information

Morning & Afternoon Bus Options

Together with several peer schools, 我们在布鲁克林的7个地点以及曼哈顿市中心(23街以下)和布朗克斯的几个地点提供私人早班车服务. To see past years’ bus routes and timing, please click here. There are also DOE buses available for students in Classes K-VI; ridership is dependent on the distance from a student’s home to Nightingale.



所有的学生都应该穿着正确的制服来学校. Lands' End is Nightingale’s official uniform vendor. On the Land’s End site, 您可以创建一个帐户,并保存您女儿的信息,以便将来的订单. To order, click here. 您还需要参考皇冠体育app学校ID: 900036179.

Lower School Uniform

  • Navy uniform tunic, navy Lands’ End uniform pant
  • Navy PE shorts under tunic
  • 白色短袖Lands' End褶边领彼得潘针织上衣
  • 海军蓝及膝袜,纯白色高腰短袜,水手袜或白色短袜,有海军蓝滚边
  • Sneakers for K-IV

Middle School Uniform

  • Uniform navy blue or grey skirt, navy chino pants, 或者百慕达长度的海军蓝斜纹短裤(没有文字或标志)
  • White Nightingale polo shirt with bird logo; Classes VII and VIII may also wear light blue, navy blue, or gray Nightingale polo shirts with the bird logo
  • 可见的白色短袜(没有脚),白色或海军蓝短袜,或海军蓝紧身衣
  • Athletic sneakers only

Upper School Uniform

  • Uniform navy blue or grey skirt, navy chino pants, 或者百慕达长度的海军蓝斜纹短裤(没有文字或标志)
  • White Nightingale polo shirt with bird logo, solid-colored collared shirts with sleeves, including polo shirts, turtlenecks, and button-down shirts
  • Any ankle, knee socks, or peds; tights or stockings must be a solid color (no fishnets or other weaves that create a pattern)
  • 低跟或平底鞋、靴子或运动鞋(包括高跟鞋). Sandals and backless clogs are not allowed. All shoes must have a closed toe and back.

The Uniform Closet

家长协会(Parents Association)赞助了“制服衣橱”,作为从Lands' End购买的另一种选择. 这是一个很好的选择,你可以免费领取轻微磨损的制服.